Contact Tracing

Contact Tracing solution helps you to track contact history of Positive case of Pandemic disease like COVID-19 It helps to identify people in close proximities with the affected people. It helps to control the spread of disease and caution those vulnerable.

QR Code Passport Entry

QR code passport entry solution helps to prevent Positive cases entering the places like restaurants, shopping malls, cinema theatres, etc. It is an innovative and AI based solution which helps to prevent the spread of pandemic disease like COVID-19.

Token System

Token system solution to avoid the crowd and make easy for social distancing. The solution gives a complete history of people visiting the place which helps us to take preventive action. This can be used in hospital, small clinics, restaurants, shopping malls, groceries, etc.

Online Groceries

Online Groceries solution helps to be safe by staying at home and order your essential things

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