Mobile App for TV Subtitle Detection and convert Text to Speech
Home » Consultancy Company in USA approached Hubino for an Android Mobile App solution to perform TV Subtitle Detection and convert it to Text to Speech

Consultancy Company in USA approached Hubino for an Android Mobile App solution to perform TV Subtitle Detection and convert it to Text to Speech

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The client is a consultancy company in the USA. They were looking for an Artificial Intelligence provider to bring up a system to perform the TV Subtitle Detection and convert it to Text to Speech.

Client’s Challenges

The main challenge faced by the client is to build a digital platform with the ability to Detect Subtitle Area/ Changes and convert it into Text to Speech.


Hubino, with its specialization in AI, Computer Vision, and OCR, was able to come up with an Android Mobile App solution that helped to detect TV, subtitle area (English), and changes to capture it and do the OCR. Then the extracted text is sent to language tools (e.g., Google, MS, anything) and gets the audio output (Text to Speech) in the desired language (French, Tamil, and Hindi) set by the users.

Value Proposition

The solution helps to

· Detect TV, Subtitle Area (English only) and changes which happens

· Easily capture the text using Computer Vision/ OCR

· Send extracted Text to Language tools and get the audio output in the desired language set by the users

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