Digitally equipped gas station – Smart gas station
In the digital era, every aspect of life is more digital especially the commercials we come across. This process of digitization does not spare any business. Businesses across the globe face different problems in the form of labor shortage, precision of work and speeding up of activities.
Digitizing the business with modern technologies like implementing Artificial Intelligence provides great relief in carrying out their day-to-day operations successfully. Artificial Intelligence through Smart Vision makes operational difficulties look so easy and the impact is huge.
Imagine filling fuel without a wallet or e-wallet yet you can fill fuel to your vehicle. Getting medical assistance or aid through a virtual avatar in a fuel station. Just think of getting a personalized welcome message along with other information like best shops to buy, to dine, to entertain near fuel stations. Now time is up that you do not need to just keep imagining. Get ready to experience all such amenities in a fuel station.
Solution Provider in AI

Hubino is a solution provider specialized in applying Artificial Intelligence to complex business problems. Mr. Sathees Ramasamy CEO, Hubino had an opportunity to meet up with the business delegates of PTT, one of the leading oil and Gas companies in Thailand. The meeting was quite useful to both parties that paved the way to modernize their gas stations. Trending technologies enhance business values in terms of revenue, operation, and customer satisfaction. This laid the foundation stone to make all the imagination come to reality.
Hubino helped PTT to make its business operations stand out among its peers with innovative ideas. Proposed solutions include a payment process automating it using License Plate Recognition system based on computer vision, receiving personalized messages and an AI-powered primary care physician a virtual assistant. A primary care physician is a virtual doctor that helps to come out of fatigue or aid you primarily which is a great advantage. Besides these, behavioral analysis using computer vision best indicates the quality of the service offered.
All these proposed solutions help to speed up the payment process which cuts down the time spent on gas stations giving them the feel of PSGC(Pit Stop & Go Customer) experience. This not only improves the customer experience but also boosts the revenue manifold as the fuel station efficiency is improved. It will be a feel-good factor for the customer that tells them through the service offered how important they are to the business.